Friday, May 13, 2011

Surprise, surprise, googly eyes!!

YouTube Video

Up until this point, we do admit that we've been slacking on our goal about googly eyes. But today we faithfully hit the streets of paris with the goal of spreading joy to many people through our street art.

Paris seems to be full of these metal poles with ball-shaped tops. They make great heads for our eyeballs:

These two poles were at the "Belleville Zoo"- an alley way dedicated to street art of many forms- mosaic, childrens toys, among many other things (and now googly eyes):

These googly eyes made a great foreground subject at the eiffel tower:

A hungry mail box:

A subway poster advertisement:

A friendly recycling container:

And, ofcourse, the Notre Dame telescope:

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Rue Simart,Paris,France


  1. I am expecting a call from you sometime asking me to bail you out of jail...

  2. LOVING all the googly eyes! So fun!! Enjoying the entire blog-vacation. Looks like y'all are having a blast. =)
